You can reduce your water consumption by 20 – 40 percent without purchasing expensive equipment. Reducing water use can mean substantial savings on water, sewage and energy bills. The following suggestions will help you get in the habit of saving water:
- Avoid the garbage disposal. It uses a lot of unnecessary water and can lead to problems with septic systems. Start a compost pile instead!
- Run automatic dishwashers only with a full load.
- When washing dishes in the sink, use one side of the sink or a large bowl for rinsing, rather than running the water.
- Keep a container of water in the refrigerator for cold drinks. If you have to run your tap while waiting for cold water, collect running water in pitcher for later use.
- Conventional toilets use about 5 to 7 gallons of water per flush. Water used for each flush can be reduced by placing two half-gallon plastic bottles with water in the tank.
- Install a low-flow aerator on your shower head and sink. These devises can be purchased at a hardware store and are easy to install. They reduce flow to approximately 3 gallons per minute instead of the usual 5 to 10 in a shower.
- Turn off tap water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Take shorter showers. During droughts, turn off water water soaping up.
Remember, when you use less water, you are also using less energy, leaning to even greater savings.